Miscellaneous Motherhood Uncategorized

35-Year-Old Mother of Twins Tries TikTok Heatless Curls Trend and Looks Ridiculous

I am the 35-year-old mom. I tried the TikTok heatless curls trend and ended up looking like a jet-lagged and malnourished Ursula instead of the curly-haired version of Aphrodite TikTok promised.  I am a sucker for viral trends. Don’t judge me for frivolous expenditures on instant coffee and a peel mask for baby soft feet. …

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NICU and Prematurity

The Truth about NICU Awareness Month

My awareness of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was nonexistent until I started spending my days with my nose pressed against the isolettes in which my daughters lived. “I used to be your house,” I would tell them. “And you thought this was a better option?” I have a tumultuous relationship with awareness months. How …

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Miscellaneous Motherhood The Diarrhea Diaries

Can a toddler die from crying it out (and other things I’ve researched lately)

Eighteen-month sleep regression is a thing, and I am one sleepless night away from certain death—or maybe just some perplexing online purchases.  I tried to call PayPal customer service while having a staring contest with Vivienne at 2:30 am last night—er, this morning. No one was available to answer my call, so I decided to …

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Miscellaneous Motherhood

The intersection of insurance and prematurity

It’s my understanding that there was a point in history when the advent of insurance was good—more specifically, good for babies born prematurely. Before this point, medical interventions or premature babies was largely unexplored, and everything hospitals could do was very expensive—too expensive for most families to afford. Today, Everything hospitals can do is more …

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Miscellaneous Motherhood

Musings on Mom Rage

No one told me about mom rage.  It just showed up one morning full force. I woke up before the babies so I could do the things I cannot do when they are awake— like drink hot coffee, pee alone, and write.  They have a sixth sense, though. They feel my desire to feed my …

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