Insurance companies ruin lives, and with the way things are going Blue Cross Blue Shield is going to ruin ours. I couldn’t have planned for having twins four months prematurely, but I did plan enough to have health insurance to pay the bills in case of a medical emergency. Yet, here we are with thousands …
A Warning for Mothers Building a Business During Naptime
At the beginning of the year, I deleted most of my blog posts from last year and started over. I had written so many posts based on what I thought people would be searching for, and they were lame. I didn’t want to have a blog full of how-to’s that I was not practicing in …
Praying for Poop
In the spring of 2020, while my twins were in the NICU we remodeled our bathrooms. The plan was to do it before they came, but they were plotting against us before they were even earthside. We remodeled three bathrooms, but I only get to enjoy two of them. The third bathroom we now use …
Preventative Health Care for Premature Babies: where is it?
There’s this interesting part of having kids who were not supposed to be ok but ended up being ok that I didn’t expect… When your kids are ok, no one weighs in on how to best take care of them. My ex-micro-preemies have nearly a clean bill of health. We only see a couple of …
Easy Dinners for Parents and Babies: any-kind-of-veggie hash
My friend Laura, yes we are both called Laura, asked me if I had any more recipes to share. She’s been using my Banana Coconut Porridge recipe and was looking for dinner and lunch recipes that work for parents and babies. I was kind of surprised when she asked me for more recipes, the internet is full …
Short gut, Sourdough, and Success
Do you ever get really distracted and find yourself 20 steps removed from what you were trying to do? My number one distraction is researching the answer to every question that occurs to me throughout the day. I will be in the middle of making dinner and wonder how to make sourdough bread from scratch. …
Spriulina Green Smoothie
There’s this global pandemic that’s kept me locked up in my house for an entire year, and I have these adorable, very active, and immunocompromised twins that make lockdown serious business at our house. And while we have been known to go on the occasional walk with friends who are equally as cautious as we …
Sleep Training One-Year-Olds: FAQs
Sleep training a one-year-old is not high on anyone’s bucket list, I’m sure. Did you know you can start gently babies before they are even four months old—and by the time they are four months, you can go full force? I don’t have any qualifications to talk to anyone about motherhood or sleep training, which …
Twenty Two Weekers Can Survive and Thrive. Tell your friends.
Call me she of little faith if you must, but when my twins were born I had little reason to believe they would live. The doctors told me it was unlikely; the internet told me the same. I needed to see that it could happen—I needed a real example of 22 weeker* twins, so I …
Breakfast for babies (that mom and dad will love too)
My kids started refusing their food in favor of mine this week. They crawl up to me begging for daal and farro, and I wonder why I bother making them their own food in their own special plates—no, but seriously, why am I making them their own food in special plates? In my research, I …